Here are the four cards I drew for my New Year Reading this week, and what they said to me about my journey into 2014.
Note that I chose one card from each of the four suits in my deck, plus one card in the “Unknown” section.
Committee Suit
IĀ am the one who feels worried and anxious about not having enough time.Ā I am the one who wants to throw away all the clocks and never have to worry about time again. I am the one who believes I don’t have enough time to get everything done.Ā My message to you about the coming year is this: I am an old, false belief that you inherited from society and your ancestors.Ā You don’t need to buy into my energy any more!Ā Focus on creating pockets of time during each day where you can slow down, even for a couple of minutes and be STILL.
AFFIRMATION:Ā I have enough time
I am the one who is a sacred holy place for you. I am the one who plays a big role on your life’s journey.Ā I am the one who has nurtured you and lifted you up and loved you and taught you for more than 25 years.Ā My message for you about your year is this: Come back to me and rest here again this year a few more times. This place calls to your spirit, offers you sacred solitude and rest.Ā Come to me and rest.
AFFIRMATION: I place visits to Kripalu and other sacred places high on my priority list.
Companions Suit
I am the one of great Intelligence who knows how to work AND I also know how to play and frolic and have fun with my friends.Ā Our message to you in 2014 is to lighten up- play and laugh more, operate from your INNER knowing only, not the distracting ways of the world.
AFFIRMATION: I choose to laugh and play and lighten up daily.
I am the one who stands for every prayer ever prayed since the beginning of time.Ā I stand for the power of prayer.Ā Prayer is any time you make connection with Spirit.Ā It may be asking for something, it may be about healing of yourself or others.Ā It might even be just to rest in Divine presence.Ā My answer to your question about focus for the New Year is this: at the end of every meditation time, yoga time or any Quiet Time you give yourself, add a few prayers.Ā Seek inner changes. Ask for what you need, it is always given.
AFFIRMATION: I choose to add conscious connection with the Divine to my Quiet Times.
I am the one who is in a Holy Place surrounded by Holy Ones.Ā These beings of light speak to me on other frequencies yet I hear them clearly. My answer to your question about focus for the New Year is this: You are also surrounded by these Holy Ones.Ā This is a year to give them your full attention.Ā Bathe in the clear waters of their wisdom and love for you.Ā Open to receive the Light they freely give to you.
AFFIRMATION:Ā I listen, look for and hear the Holy Ones all around me.
Just a note about affirmations!Ā I highly recommend this book by Sondra Ray: The Only Diet There Is, which is more about affirmations than about losing weight. Even if you don’t want to let go of weight, read this book if you are interested in using affirmations to affect transformation!Ā It’s more than just saying them out loud, or writing them down. It’s about getting in touch with those inner voices who don’t believe the affirmation, and listening to them and honoring them so you can get past them.Ā Give it a try and see!