Who are you? I am Dragonfly, representing your 7th Chakra, at the crown of your beautiful head. I am reminding you of all things that have to do with Spirit, Source, and The One That Holds The Many.Ā
I am the one who is colorful, iridescent, ever morphing into more beauty.
Why have you come to me today? I am here to remind you that I am ever present and that you can trust my presence and my connectivity to the wider Net.Ā Look at my wings in the image of the lower dragonfly- my wing are made up of a web, a net. I am also here to remind you to your connectedness to everyONE and everyTHING.
A Note from Anne Marie
The truth that we are all connected, even to those who have left the earthly plane, plays a huge part in my novel, Dragonflies at Night: More Than a Love Story, which was just released.
I hope that Savannah’s story touches you, along with the voices of her mother, Deirdre Rose, and her Aunt Suzanna. Get your copy here.
At a workshop a while ago I made this card (to the left) intentionally to honor the place that Fear has taken in my life.
Who are you? We are the ones who are hiding out behind the windows and doors of your psyche. We are the ones (and there are many of us) who are afraid, who huddle together in your mind and whisper fears to you as you sleep and while you are awake.
We are the ones who have been with you since childhood. You inherited us from your mother. We were her fears too.
We speak to you of powerlessness and joylessness. We paralyze you with our scary stories that are mostly false.
What Do You Have To Give Me?
We give you a sense of ancestral lineage… we give you a closeness to your mother that you never felt while she was alive.Ā We give you something to think about and focus on besides joy. We give you huge distraction from the present moment.Ā Sometimes, when the fear is valid, we give you time and a way to prepare, a way to meet the fearful thing or person.
What Do You Want From Me? We want you to buy into our stories. We want you to believe that you are powerless to change what makes you afraid. We want you to always be afraid, because this way everything will stay the same. We don’t want things to change. We want you to continue to hold yourself tight in your fears and try to keep yourself safe that way.
Is There Anything Else You Want to Tell Me Today? We are telling you that we have much power in your life and we are afraid that being aware of us will make you send us away. We are just now peeking out of our well-walled fortress and smelling the fresh air. Others have actually made their way down to the street and are on their way to freedom.Ā We have been with you so long, we are not sure what to do if you set us free.
At the same workshop, I made this card intuitively, not thinking about what it was all about. I was drawn to these images, and they seemed to fit together perfectly. When I worked with this card later, I realized that it is my Fearless Neter!
Who Are You? I am the one who breathes fire, who plunges forward without looking. I am the one who bravely flies through the air, knowing and trusting that I will be caught.Ā I am the one whose body is strong and tall and who stands and moves proudly through life.
What Do You Have To Give Me? I give you strength and I give you courage. I give you fearless energy to move through your life. I give you joy in the moving forward.
What Do You Want From Me? I want you to not hold back. I want you to JUST DO IT!Ā I want you to move forward with trust and strength. I want you to leave your fears behind. I want you to know that you can do whatever you set your mind and body to.
This whole adventure with these two cards was really eye opening for me!Ā It was a powerful example of how things are “at work” inside of us during this process even though we’re not aware of it!
I madeĀ this card years ago and always thought of it as my “sacred space” Neter, but then I listened to Kathryn Costa’s Kindred Spirits class on goddess archetypes and learned quite a bit about them.
I took the Goddess Quiz on the site that she recommended, and discovered that my own top three personal goddess archetypes, expressing themselves in my life right now are: Persephone, Artemis, and Hestia.
After reading more about Hestia (Goddess of the Hearth) on the recommended site, I suddenly realized that I already have a SoulCollageĀ® card for her, and this is it!
Who are you?
I am the one who loves to stay home. I am the one who turns away from drama and turns instead to the sanctuary of my inner life. I am the one who creates and operates from my own inner sacred space. I am the one whose inner fire burns brightly and warms my soul.
What do you have to give me?
My gift for you is the intuitive ability to create a homey atmosphere of warmth and sacredness wherever you go.Ā I give you the knowing that your inner life is paramount.
This is a card I made recently toĀ honor the archetypal energy of Addiction that has been with me since I was very young, in one form or another.Ā Addiction is a theme or pattern that has shaped my life over the years.Ā This is different than my Inner Addict which is another card altogether (stay tuned!).
Addiction was a pattern in my family from before I was born- grandparents on both sides were alcoholics. This shaped my parents in that they didn’t drink a drop of alcohol, and the reason for it was always made clear to us.
I developed an addiction to sugar at a very young age and this has continued throughout my life until the past two years when hypoglycemia has had me facing my own addiction and coming to terms with it.
In my 20’s and 30’s I was in a serious, intense relationship with an alcoholic and this led me into 12-Step programs such as Al-Anon and ACOA where breaking free from my addiction to the addicted was a huge theme for me for many years.
So you can see that this Archetype of Addict has played itself out in my life in many ways.
Here is what this Neter said to me recently:
I am the one who has been with you from the beginning.Ā I have colored your world with darkness and cravings and hunger and need and want.Ā I am the one who seduced you into eating what your body did not need in order to satisfy the longing of your spirit.
I am the one who was trying to care for you by feeding your emotions instead of urging you to feel what you were feeling.Ā I am the one who held you to me and convinced you there was no one else but me.Ā
What I have to say to you today is this: remember our story.Ā I am still present in your life but I have a different intent and purpose now.Ā Now, when you feel me drawing you in, pulling you close… know that this is a signal that there is something out of balance, something that needs your emotional attention.Ā And pay attention to that instead of toe me.Ā
My best intention is to care for you.Ā But you now know that caring for yourself involves honoring and feeling all your feelings instead of tamping them down with food.Ā It is quite a journey we have been on all these years, you and I.Ā Learn from it.
I grew up with a mother who was always there for me, butĀ because of her own lack of a nurturing mother growing up, she wasn’t one who nurtured me with unconditional love and kindness.Ā I missed out on having a real “Mommy.”
After practicing SoulCollageĀ® for a few years, I realized that I could “mommy” myself and so I made several cards to depict this Mommy and Me relationship that I had missed out on as a child.Ā This is the one card of all my “Mommy and Me” cards that remains in my deck, as a vivid reminder that I can be nurturing and loving and unconditionally accepting towards myself.
Most of the time when I read from this card, it is the Mommy inside of me talking, but recently I drew it in a short reading and I noticed that the little girl was speaking this time:
I am the one who loves being held and cherished by Mommy.Ā I am the one who can completely relax when Mommy is holding me.Ā I am the one who feels safe in her arms.
My message for you today is this- even though you had an earth-mother who couldn’t and didn’t give you this, you have an inner mother just waiting for you to open your arms to her. Open up on the inside.Ā Let Mommy hold you when you need to be held.
If you have a card with two distinct Neters (energies) on it, like this one, try doing the I Am the One Who… exercise with EACH of the voices and see what you discover.