Two Card Reading

January 23, 2014

Two Card Reading



I am the one who bows down to What Is.  I am the one who lets life Flow around me.  I am the one who is in a posture of full supplication.  I am the one who prays while I surrender.  I am the one who is surrounded by water and earth and air.  I am the one who surrenders to Spirit.  I am the one who bows down to Life and the Joy of Living it. 

My message for you today is this: Right now, get into this position that I am in.  Feel how it feels to really bow down and surrender. I mean it… right now!  Get out of your chair and DO it.







I am the one who stands tall and strong in the shining golden sun.  I am the one who is the keeper of your Truth.  I am the one who has chosen not to get on the sailboats, but to stand still.  I stand with authority.  I stand with faith and justice.

I know exactly who I am and that is my biggest teaching for you today and always- that you remember who you are, that you point your fingers upwards towards the Divine, that you let the Light shine on you, that you always pause to remember who you are, and that you hold yourself, your life, proudly.

SUMMARY– Wow, I see quite two different postures in these women.  One is bowed down, surrendering, and I can’t see her face.  The other is standing up straights, strong, proud, owning her self and her life.  Both of their hands/fingers are pointing upwards though, and I will let that be my grace note for today.  Point my heart ad my hands upwards towards the Divine.  Let that be my focal point.  That everything is in the hands of Spirit.


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