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Purchase your 5x8 mat boards here, as well as clear bags, and Surprise Packs of images for your collage-making pleasure.
E-Books on a wide variety of SoulCollage® topics, from simple card making tips to doing readings with your deck, and lots of fun stuff in between.
Connect with SoulCollagers worldwide. Benefits include weekly inspiration, monthly SoulCollage® Tele-Classes and 50% discounts on SoulCollage® e-Books & e-Courses.
Work at your own pace and dive into a SoulCollage® topic in-depth. Learn more about each of the 4 suits, the transpersonal cards, and how to work with SoulCollage and our inner shadowed parts.
There's something here for everyone!
There's something here for everyone!
Making the cards is all well and good... but what do we do with them after we make them? Don't just put them away! Journal with them, get to know them. Enjoy 2 sets of 16 short videos, each with 1 cool activity for discerning meaning from you cards.
Unplug from your life's many distractions and plug into self and Spirit with these popular guided meditations. Gather inspiration for your SoulCollage® work! Available as MP3 downloads OR downloads with written scripts.
That's right... we believe in good old fashioned giving here at KaleidoSoul! Click on the image to the left to download 3 free e-books, and 3 free e-courses.
Set of 10 unique audio breaks that are short, imaginative Guided Imagery recordings. Click and listen to one in the middle of a busy, chaotic day and let yourself breathe peace and renewal into any kind of stress you are experiencing. Available as audio downloads, to listen online, written scripts, and all of the above!
The insights start here! We currently have 2 courses available: Intro to SoulCollage, and How to Build a SoulCollage Deck. All classes are self-paced, with audios, handouts, community and more!
Listen online or download these recordings that will give you insights into the SoulCollage® process. Learn more about the suits, writing with your cards, doing card readings, and more. Informative, enjoyable, and motivation
Purchase a KaleidoSoul Gift Certificate (redeemable through Paypal) for a loved one who is passionate about SoulCollage! You choose the denomination. Simple and quick. The gift that every SoulCollager loves.
Beautiful fabric envelopes... a perfect home for your SoulCollage cards! Each one has 2 pockets: one deep, and one shallow. The shallow pocket holds about 30 SoulCollage cards. The deeper pocket holds about 40. Handcrafted by a fabric artist in San Diego