Free Goodies
for SoulCollagers

Download a Daily Oasis Audio Break

ID 14240743 © Rudolf Vancura |

Beating Yourself Up with a Feather

We often “beat ourselves up” with our inner words and outer actions without thinking twice about it.  Here’s a beautiful, fun chance to stop that pattern in its tracks!

We hope you’ll enjoy this 9 minute meditation as much as Anne Marie enjoyed writing and recording it!

Download here.


For more of Anne Marie’s guided meditations please visit these pages:

Magical Inner Journey Meditations– Help yourself to a generous serving of imagination and intuition. Each of these Magical Inner Journeys was designed specifically for SoulCollagers in exploring each of the four suits plus the Transpersonal cards.   SCRIPTS also available to use in your workshops!

Oasis Audio Breaks  – Short recordings for download or listening online. SCRIPTS also available to use in your workshops.

Free E-Book!

Inner Treasures: Quotes for SoulCollagers

What do Robert Redford, Kermit the Frog, Mae West, and Emily Dickinson all have in common? They all have something important to say about how we live, work and play as SoulCollage® artists! This 68 page e-book has over 500 quotes, each one a gem of inspiration that will feed your creative inner self. Quotes are on the following topics: art, creativity, playfulness, soul, spirit, self-worth, inner voices, good health, joy, and living an authentic life.

Download now: Free E-Book Inner Treasures

Visit this page for easily downloaded e-books on the SoulCollage® process, how to do readings, interpreting your own cards, and lots more.

Free E-Course- Wisdom for the Journey

You’ll see a different SoulCollage® card each day in your inbox with a specially chosen quotation and short essay about each one.

Thought-provoking and inspiring!

NOTE: This 10-day e-course comes with a complementary subscription to Soul Songs, Our monthly KaleidoSoul newsletter, soul-ly focused on SoulCollage®. Sign up by subscribing to our Soul Songs monthly news….

Fr*ee Monthly SoulCollage® Newsletter

As a passionate (or just curious) SoulCollager, you can sign up now for your FREE subscription to Soul Songs, the monthly KaleidoSoul Newsletter,
bursting with information on SoulCollage® and soul-stirring art from our readers.

Click here for more information and to sign up now.


3 Free Videos on Getting Through Difficult Times

These three videos, led by experienced SoulCollage Facilitators, were offered at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 BUT they are relevant to us even now.

Visit this page to partake of more wisdom!