
By Anne Marie Bennett

I Can Do This

I have to say that this is one of my favorite SoulCollage® cards. I made it several years ago and was inspired by one particular episode of The Amazing Race.

In this episode, the participants were given the difficult challenge of walking across a very long, wobbly thinly-woven bridge. They were very high up in the air and we were all happy to see that they were attached to a safety cord in case they fell.

I was on the edge of my seat watching the contestants attempt this challenge, and one young woman in particular caught my heart. For the entire length of the crossing (and it was perilously long) she was chanting under her breath, “I can do this.” Over and over. I can do this. I can do this. And guess what? She did it!

I’m never going to be asked to do something that dangerous (I certainly hope not anyway!) but there are plenty of other challenges in my life that I have faced and will face in the future. And whenever I face one, I promise myself that I will remember that young woman’s forceful, positive, super-focusing mantra—I CAN DO THIS!


Who Are You?

I am the one who is climbing.  I am the one who is on a journey, climbing, and it is a hard, steep journey.  But I can do this.  I am the one who is walking steadily through the dry, hot desert. But I can do it.  I am the one who is strong, who can climb without falling. I am the one who is focused, who knows the journey is hard and steep and yet I can bring some fun to it.  It can be hard and easy at the same time.  If I stay in my body, I Can Do This.  I can stay focused and balanced and keep up the steep climb.  I can even have fun doing this. I can do it.

What Do You Have To Give Me?

My gift to you is of positive thought and determination.  My gift to you is perseverance, strength, attention, focus.  My gift to you is the awareness that it can be fun and difficult at the same time.

What Do You Want From Me?

I want you to say “I can do this” over and over and over until you believe it too. I want you to know that I am a very real and viable part of your being.

A Reading for a New Pet

We adopted a 2 year old cat two weeks ago and I decided to do a reading with my deck to help me with this transition. Here is the question I asked and the very wise answers my Neters gave me!

NOTE: You can click on each card to see it larger.

Who has wisdom to give me about making our new cat Louis feel more comfortable?



Divine Connection- We are the ones who represent your connection to Divine Spirit. We are the ones who are best in touch with you when you are resting quietly with your eyes closed and focusing on your breath. Our wisdom for you about Louis is this: keep your commitment to your meditation times. Smile, close your eyes, relax, remain connected to Spirit within. Spirit is within Louis as well. All is well. All is well.



scwinterWinter– I am the one who speaks to you of the season of Winter. I am the one who offers light and warmth in the cold darkness. I am the one who offers a harbinger of spring in the red cardinal. My wisdom for you about Louis is this: you have just been through a harsh winter time of grief and loss. First Sasha, then your breast, Lis and most recently Minnie. Notice that even in this wintertime of grieving and loss, you have a light within you. Notice the beauty of that grieving season. And also know that winter never lasts forever. Spring always comes. You have invited this young cat into your life to offer hope and joy after a long time of grieving.




Quartet of Judges- We are the ones who look down our noses at people and beings who are not like us. We are the ones who stare at these others mercilessly and find them all lacking. We are the ones who have high expectations of others- too high. Our message for you about making Louis feel more comfortable is this- our energy has been prevalent for you since he came to live with you. Notice how much you are judging him. Notice what your unreasonable expectations of him are. This will allow BOTH of you to find some peace.



Crone– I am the one who is old and yet quite content with who I am. I am the one who builds hatsccrones so the birds of the wild have a place to live. I am the one who creates a beautiful rainbow afghan. I am the one who loves nature and creativity and all of God’s creatures. My wisdom for you about making Louis more comfortable is this: you have offered this sweet being a home, not in your hat of course, but in your house and in your family. This is not a small thing. This is a HUGE thing and a big step for you, and I applaud you. I want YOU to applaud you. And stop judging yourself for taking him away from his foster home and for doing everything wrong. This is NOT the truth. Remind yourself of the TRUTH!

Two Card Reading



I am the one who bows down to What Is.  I am the one who lets life Flow around me.  I am the one who is in a posture of full supplication.  I am the one who prays while I surrender.  I am the one who is surrounded by water and earth and air.  I am the one who surrenders to Spirit.  I am the one who bows down to Life and the Joy of Living it. 

My message for you today is this: Right now, get into this position that I am in.  Feel how it feels to really bow down and surrender. I mean it… right now!  Get out of your chair and DO it.







I am the one who stands tall and strong in the shining golden sun.  I am the one who is the keeper of your Truth.  I am the one who has chosen not to get on the sailboats, but to stand still.  I stand with authority.  I stand with faith and justice.

I know exactly who I am and that is my biggest teaching for you today and always- that you remember who you are, that you point your fingers upwards towards the Divine, that you let the Light shine on you, that you always pause to remember who you are, and that you hold yourself, your life, proudly.

SUMMARY– Wow, I see quite two different postures in these women.  One is bowed down, surrendering, and I can’t see her face.  The other is standing up straights, strong, proud, owning her self and her life.  Both of their hands/fingers are pointing upwards though, and I will let that be my grace note for today.  Point my heart ad my hands upwards towards the Divine.  Let that be my focal point.  That everything is in the hands of Spirit.


New Year Reading with Affirmations

Here are the four cards I drew for my New Year Reading this week, and what they said to me about my journey into 2014.

Note that I chose one card from each of the four suits in my deck, plus one card in the “Unknown” section.


sctimebottleTIME IN A BOTTLE
Committee Suit

I  am the one who feels worried and anxious about not having enough time.  I am the one who wants to throw away all the clocks and never have to worry about time again. I am the one who believes I don’t have enough time to get everything done.  My message to you about the coming year is this: I am an old, false belief that you inherited from society and your ancestors.  You don’t need to buy into my energy any more!  Focus on creating pockets of time during each day where you can slow down, even for a couple of minutes and be STILL.
AFFIRMATION:  I have enough time




Community Suit

I am the one who is a sacred holy place for you. I am the one who plays a big role on your life’s journey.  I am the one who has nurtured you and lifted you up and loved you and taught you for more than 25 years.  My message for you about your year is this: Come back to me and rest here again this year a few more times. This place calls to your spirit, offers you sacred solitude and rest.  Come to me and rest.
AFFIRMATION: I place visits to Kripalu and other sacred places high on my priority list.


scdolphin (2)DOLPHIN- 6th CHAKRA
Companions Suit

I am the one of great Intelligence who knows how to work AND I also know how to play and frolic and have fun with my friends.  Our message to you in 2014 is to lighten up- play and laugh more, operate from your INNER knowing only, not the distracting ways of the world.
AFFIRMATION: I choose to laugh and play and lighten up daily.


Council Suit

I am the one who stands for every prayer ever prayed since the beginning of time.  I stand for the power of prayer.  Prayer is any time you make connection with Spirit.  It may be asking for something, it may be about healing of yourself or others.  It might even be just to rest in Divine presence.  My answer to your question about focus for the New Year is this: at the end of every meditation time, yoga time or any Quiet Time you give yourself, add a few prayers.  Seek inner changes. Ask for what you need, it is always given.
AFFIRMATION: I choose to add conscious connection with the Divine to my Quiet Times.




scunknown223Unknown Card
Unknown Suit

I am the one who is in a Holy Place surrounded by Holy Ones.  These beings of light speak to me on other frequencies yet I hear them clearly. My answer to your question about focus for the New Year is this: You are also surrounded by these Holy Ones.  This is a year to give them your full attention.  Bathe in the clear waters of their wisdom and love for you.  Open to receive the Light they freely give to you.

AFFIRMATION:  I listen, look for and hear the Holy Ones all around me.





Just a note about affirmations!  I highly recommend this book by Sondra Ray: The Only Diet There Is, which is more about affirmations than about losing weight. Even if you don’t want to let go of weight, read this book if you are interested in using affirmations to affect transformation!  It’s more than just saying them out loud, or writing them down. It’s about getting in touch with those inner voices who don’t believe the affirmation, and listening to them and honoring them so you can get past them.  Give it a try and see!

Colorful Possibilities

I am the one who relaxes against the backdrop of many bright colorful possibilities.
I am the one who relaxes against the backdrop of many bright colorful possibilities.

Who are you?

I am the one who lies here, relaxed and stretching luxuriously.  I am the one who is wrapped in colorful rainbows.  I am the one who balances on this downward incline. I am the one who keeps my balance.

I am the one who is flexible. I am the one who rests against the backdrop of rainbow-colored windows.  I am the one who knows these windows are opening to me to colorful possibilities of what is next.

What do you have to say to me today?

My message for you today is this- rest, relax, stretch your body, do not neglect your body.  Do not feel like you have to open every window and poke your head out to see what is on the other side.  These windows are all portals to possibilities that await you.  You cannot open/see through them all at once.  Take your time, rest, relax, let go of the striving, just be with the possibilities and all will  be made clear in time.