Card Readings: Consulting Your SoulCollage® Cards

There are an infinite variety of card readings that you can do within the framework of your SoulCollage® work.  This page starts you at the beginning. Feel free to take what you like from the suggestions on this page, and leave the rest.  Remember that this is just the beginning of a very special journey with your cards!

SoulCollage® Card Readings-
Sacred Work

Using card readings to consult your SoulCollage® cards is sacred, hopeful, holy work.

Seena Frost, creator of SoulCollage®, likens it to the story of the Indian woman, La Loba, who gathered up the bones of a dead wolf which were scattered across the desert. When she had every last one of the bones, she gathered them on the floor of a cave, and then she sang over them.

As she continued to sing, the bones came together, taking on flesh and hair. The wolf was brought back to life, leapt up, and ran out of the cave to freedom and new life.

Making SoulCollage® cards out of bits and pieces of this and that, and then consulting them via card readings can lead to the same miracle of wholeness in your life.

Think of it! You are gathering up all of your various guides, supporters, and inner voices (lovable as well as unlovable, bright as well as shadowy). Then you “sing” over them as you use creativity, intuition and imagination in the course of making the cards, and doing occasional card readings. This helps you to understand your Life Story, and enables you to honor, understand and share it with others.

Because this is such sacred work, it is helpful to create sacred space before you begin. By creating this ceremonial space, you will be better prepared and able to access the inner learnings that are made available to you in your card readings.

What Is Sacred Space?

I am the one who creates sacred space.

Sacred space is simply a matter of subtracting distractions, and adding some things to your immediate environment that speak to you of that which is holy. It can help you to separate the work and interruptions of your everyday life from the focused inner work that you are doing.

Think of how sacred space is created in a temple, a church, your favorite yoga class or meditation retreat. Are the walls bare or is there beautiful art to look at? Is there incense in the air? Does everyone have their shoes off? Do people wear a head covering or some other garment that is special? Is a candle burning? Can you hear the sound of soft music or water running over stones?

You can create sacred space for your SoulCollage® card readings in a similar manner. You may wear something special each time, even if it’s just a soft green shawl or a purple velvet headband. You might simply light one blue candle. You could play a certain piece of music each time. Whatever you do, it must have meaning for you if it is to transport you into the part of yourself that is open to self-discovery and Spirit.

Creating Sacred Space
for Your Card Readings

Here are some more ideas for creating sacred space for your SoulCollage® card readings. Take what you like and leave the rest. If you perform an action (such as saying a prayer or chanting), you might want to repeat it at the end of the card readings as well, in order to bring closure to the sacred time.

  • Light a candle or two (or more!)
  • Wear a special shawl or head covering
  • Lay out a special cloth on the floor or table, and put your Source Card in the center of it
  • If you have the other Transpersonal cards (SoulEssence, Witness), place them next to the Source Card
  • Put some flowers in the space
  • Light some incense that you like
  • Sit quietly with eyes closed before you begin
  • Breathe consciously for one minute
  • Play soft music that has special meaning for you
  • Do a brief guided visualization before asking your question
  • Make up a prayer
  • Say the same prayer every time before you begin and as you end
  • Chant on your own or with a favorite CD
  • Turn off the telephone
  • Shut the door and quiet your mind
  • Anoint yourself with a special fragrant oil that you have chosen
  • Play a musical instrument for a few minutes

Recommended Resources

SoulCollage Audio Recording- Doing Card Readings with Your Deck
SoulCollage Audio Recording- Doing Card Readings with Your Deck
Two kinds of SoulCollage® readings are discussed and demonstrated. 64 minute audio recording with Anne Marie Bennett & Karen Mann. Listen online or download as an mp3.
Available Qty: 169
Price: $10.00
SoulCollage Audio Recording- Guided Card Readings
SoulCollage Audio Recording- Guided Card Readings
Eager to do your own reading with your own deck? We'll guide you through the process, step by step. 40 minute audio recording with Anne Marie Bennett. Listen online or download as an mp3.
Available Qty: 168
Price: $10.00
SoulCollage Audio Recording- Creating a SoulCollage Practice
SoulCollage Audio Recording- Creating a SoulCollage Practice
Create a spiritual practice that uses SoulCollage® on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Deepen your relationship with Spirit and with yourself. 55 minute audio recording with Anne Marie Bennett. Listen online or download as an mp3.
Available Qty: 610
Price: $10.00
Completely Random, Completely Divine (E-Book)
Completely Random, Completely Divine (E-Book)
Doing Readings with Your SoulCollage® Deck. Includes detailed examples of SoulCollage® card readings from 9 SoulCollagers around the world as well as a 65 minute audio and demonstration of a live reading. Access your inner wisdom in a vibrant, simple way. 47 pages + 65 minute audio
Price: $30.00
SoulCollage Back to Basics Complete Package
For about the cost of a full-day SoulCollage® workshop, you'll receive access to all basic content in one sweet package of four (90 minute) audios and 13 handouts. Listen online or download as mp3s. Additional support from Anne Marie Bennett via email on request!
Available Qty: 522
Price: $87.00