KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits

 Affordable * Accessible * Relevant * Inclusive
  All Are Welcome at Kindred Spirits

Already a Kindred Spirit? Log in here.

Join our fast-growing worldwide membership of people who put the “soul” in SoulCollage® and you’ll never need to practice SoulCollage® alone!

10 Creative Reasons to
Join Kindred Spirits


1. Monthly Zoom Video Classes

  • Free monthly SoulCollage® one-hour video classes
  • Various SoulCollage® topics including: inner voices, the committee suit, archetypes, the council suit, animal totems, chakras, the companions suit, SoulCollage® card making, doing readings with your cards… and more!
  • Virtually “meet” SoulCollagers from all over the world
  • Presented by SoulCollage® Facilitators from all over the world
  • Plus… we record the Zoom video classes so you don’t have to miss a single one!

2. Members-Only Discounts

“Kindred Spirits is a spectacular community of wisdom seekers and wisdom keepers.”
~ Johanna, Kindred Spirit member since 2018

3. Soul Treasures Subscription

  • Weekly subscription to Soul Treasures
  • The only weekly newsletter all about SoulCollage®
  • A weekly dose of creativity and inspiration delivered via email each Monday morning bright and early
  • Abundant information, encouragement, and inspiration for your SoulCollage® journey
  • SoulCollage® Tips & Tricks & Good Ideas
  • Inner Journeys Column twice each month by Anne Marie Bennett
  • Suggestions for putting the Inner Journeys Column into practice
  • One featured SoulCollager twice each month: read their stories and see their cards
  • Info on free Upcoming SoulCollage® Zoom video classes
  • Resources for SoulCollagers- links to other SoulCollage® sites, as well as sites/blogs that highlight creativity, collage, personal growth, spirituality, art, imagination, intuition, and awesome imagery
  • Short reviews of books and movies that can be food for your soul as you practice SoulCollage®
  • Click here to read a recent issue of Soul Treasures

Thank you for your continued inspiration. Reading Soul Treasures each week revives me and re-connects me with myself, my soul, and my essence. Thank you, thank you, thank you!— Kindred Spirit Valentina

Thank you so much for every single Soul Treasures you send out. I know how much time, heart and soul you put into each issue and I love them every single time. I always save them as my last email to read on Monday mornings and always grab myself a big steaming cup of coffee so I can settle in and enjoy.— Kindred Spirit Lisa in Virginia

Soul Treasures is a joyful and inspiring newsletter that feels warm and welcoming. I have been able to learn more about each suit which both deepens my experience and is a springboard for other creative ideas.—Linda, Ohio

4. Members Only Audio/Video Library

  • Collection of 200+ SoulCollage® audios and videos (60-90 minutes each)
  • Listen/watch in your own time and at your own pace
  • Many classes have additional Resources lists posted as well as handouts and card examples
  • Classes presented by SoulCollage® Facilitators from the all over the USA and the world!
  • Visit this page to see a partial list of audios and videos available

I really enjoyed the online classes I’ve attended. The time flew by and it was very cool to be communicating with women all over the world.  —Lois, Kindred Spirit in Missouri

There are times when I feel drained and or haven’t done any collage work in a long time, but when I receive my newsletter it inspires me to create more. I also love the Audio/Video Library. It makes me feel as if I am in class again amongst friends so I really enjoy it.—Serena, Kindred Spirit in MA

I really enjoy the Members-Only Audio-Video Library. I like that it’s accessible whenever I have time to listen/watch the classes.  —Lanette, Kindred Spirit in Utah

5.   Community Card Sharing Connections via Zoom

Several times a year we offer a 60-minute Zoom gathering (not recorded) where anyone who’s available gathers on Zoom.
The lead Facilitator gives a short welcome and intro to the topic-of-the-month and then we break up in to smaller groups via Zoom rooms and the card sharing begins!

This is great for all levels of SoulCollage experience! Even if you don’t have any cards related to the topic of the month, you will get a lot of inspiration from seeing those of others.

ALSO…. you get a chance to hang out with other KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits who love SoulCollage! We learn from one another, no matter where we are on our journeys.


6.Quarterly Meaningful Fiction Book Discussion Gatherings

That’s right! We call ourselves perFICTIONists and we are the ones who love to read fiction that is meaningful, that stirs our hearts and souls.  Four times a year, we offer a 90-minute discussion of a different book and whoever wants to attend can just show up to talk about it. We provide all Kindreds ahead of time with the titles of the book that is up next for discussion, so all you have to do is read it and join us.

We started this in 2021 and it’s been a huge success. If the group gathered is larger than 8 (and it usually is), we break into smaller groups for sharing a few times during the gathering.

We have found that these perFICTIONist gatherings inspire card making, journaling, and introspective thought. We cover all kinds of meaningful fiction. Find out what our next perFICTIONist book discussion is all about and see books that we’ve connected over in previous years here.


7. Glorious Give-Away Extravaganza!

  • Random drawings each month for 7 fun, creative, gifts
  • We use the random number generator at random.org to choose monthly winners. There’s a good chance it could be YOU!
  • Gifts include: SoulCollage® card making supplies, books, art supplies, art,  handmade gifts, gift cards to other cool places online… and more!

Each month we give away SEVEN Glorious Gifts that SoulCollagers will love.

If you have a gift or gifts that you’d like to donate, please contact us by using the “Contact” button on the menu bar at the top of this screen.


8. KaleidoSoul Oasis Audio Breaks – The Pause That Refreshes

  • Our Members have access to over 95 minutes of short Oasis Audio Breaks (10 in all) that are perfect for a little respite/break in the middle of a busy day.
  • As you listen to these over and over, you’ll find the experience will change depending on where you are “at” each time you listen.
  • Listen online or download into your favorite MP3 player
  • Only 9-12 minutes, each Oasis Audio Break meditation is designed to soothe your spirit, spark your imagination, and relax your body
  • We know you can’t take yourself to the ocean to relax every day, but our Audio Breaks will make you feel like you can!
  • Listen as many times as you like
  • These are available online in your Members Section for easy listening anytime.

I just finished listening to your first KaleidoSoul Oasis Audio Break.  I was in the middle of reading my email when I came to this message and took the time to listen.  It was a wonderful break for me.  I really enjoyed listening to this audio and applaud you for taking the time to help us keep our lives centered and “in the spirit”.  It is so often hard to remember to take just a few minutes during the day to be silent and appreciate life.  This certainly helped!!   I look forward to receiving more of your audio breaks.  — Linda U., Illinois

What a pleasant, pleasant surprise gift from you. It was wonderful hearing your voice, recalling your gentle face as you guided us, bringing us a sip of the quenching oasis of our spirit within.  — Barbara O., Connecticut

Thank you!  The guided meditation was so nice – just what I needed to hear today. — Karen B., New York

I really enjoyed this “audio-break.” It’s a great idea for the person sifting through her emails and trying to get some work done.  It was a reminder to me to take time –  it is short enough to stop and listen – and long enough to get some relaxing input!  — Barbara M., Connecticut

9. Earn 25% Commission- KaleidoSoul Affiliate Partner Program

Partner with us and earn 25% on all of these items from our KaleidoSoul Shop
(Non-Members are not eligible for the Affiliate Partnership):

10. Discounts on Retreats, Online Classes, Plus Other Sales & Special Events

  • Advance notice of all KaleidoSoul-sponsored weekend SoulCollage® Retreats which are now happening around the world
  • $50 discount on all KaleidoSoul Weekend SoulCollage® Retreats with Anne Marie
  • Special discount on SoulCollage® online video classes with Anne Marie
  • 50% discount on our pre-recorded 4-Hour Video Retreats
  • Special seasonal discounts on items in the Kindred Spirits Shop
  • Large discounts on current online SoulCollage workshops offered by Anne Marie as well as other Facilitators around the world.  (Look at the right sidebar to see info on upcoming online workshops,)
  • Be the first to know about new e-books, self-study courses, and online video classes
  • Occasional additional sales on SoulCollage® card making supplies

11. Monthly Subscription to our KaleidoSoul Newsletter, Soul Songs, for SoulCollagers All Over the World

If you’re not familiar with Soul Songs, you can read back issues here.

Listen to what our Kindred Spirits
are saying why they are members and renew year after year:

I am so grateful for how KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits has kept me connected to SoulCollage and allowed me to move forward steadily the past couple of years. It’s given me a solid home base and sustained my work and interest, giving it a steady core to draw upon. Thank you so much.
— Carol, Oregon

I’ve certainly gained an enormous amount from my membership  over the years. Kaleidosoul is the perfect complement to the SoulCollage® website.  The annual membership fee is great value for money and I think one of the best things you do is that by offering such a variety of courses you demonstrate to people how SoulCollage® can be adapted in so many different ways.  You’ve constructed this wonderful source of knowledge and inspiration which is enjoyed by, and impacts on, people all around the world.— Jo, Australia (Queensland), member since 2007

KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits keeps me focused, gives me ideas, provides inspiration and teaches techniques. —Dot, PA

The newsletter, the postings, and Anne Marie’s words of inspiration are helping me through a difficult time. Before finding Kindred Spirits, I felt alone and lost.—Kay, New Mexico

Being part of Kindred Spirits is so inspirational for me. It often gets me re-started after I have stalled!—Edith, Ireland

The feeling of family is very strong in this group. The feeling of confidence in what I do and how I make my SoulCollage® cards has grown since Ive become a Kindred Spirit. Being a part of this online family brings me great Joy and I thank you so much for providing me with such a place of caring, freedom of expression, understanding of our values and a safe haven of artistic exploration.—Bethel, Australia

Just wanted to tell you that I just listened to one of the recordings today, and you have the most beautiful way of facilitating. Your voice is so grounded and rich and calm and nurturing. I am looking forward to playing more of the programs soon.— Laurel, California

Want more reasons to join? Read what 100 of our Kindred Spirits are saying about why they join,and why they renew again year after year: 100 Reasons to Join Kindred Spirits

The value of Kindred Spirits is currently at over $200,but it’s yours for only $44!

That’s right! Only $44 for a WHOLE YEAR of:

  • connections with SoulCollagers all over the world
  • abundant resources for your SoulCollage® practice
  • true inspiration for your SoulCollage® work
  • special sales & discounts during the year
  • 50% savings on SoulCollage® e-books/ self-study courses
  • 52 issues of our members-only Soul Treasures newsletter
  • 12 monthly live SoulCollage® Zoom 90-minute video classes
  • 7 Glorious Give-Aways every month
  • access to all 10 KaleidoSoul Oasis Audio Break guided imagery recordings
  • a chance to earn income in our Affiliate Partnership Program
  • 24/7 access to 200+ SoulCollage® audios and videos from Facilitators around the world
  • discounts on KaleidoSoul SoulCollage® Weekend Retreats
  • discounts on our online SoulCollage workshops
  • participation in our worldwide Kindred Spirits Gathering Place on Facebook (optional)
Best of all, there’s no obligation – We don’t believe in auto renewals!

We will send you an invoice when it’s time for renewal, and you can choose to sign up again for another year if you want.

For less than the cost of a nice meal out, you can say YES to your soul all year in a very special way.

And remember… you’ll be supporting KaleidoSoul’s mission to spread SoulCollage® to all corners of the world!

Get ready for SoulCollage® adventures of the finest kind!

Register Here

Kindred Spirits Membership- 1 year
One year full of SoulCollage® Inspiration! Weekly "Soul Treasures" newsletter, monthly SoulCollage® tele-classes, 24/7 access to Members Only SoulCollage Audio Library, 50% discounts in KaleidoSoul Shop. Never practice SoulCollage® alone again! We'll send you a renewal notice when your year is up.
Available Qty: 265
Price: $44.00

Want to pay with check or money order instead?
Please email KaleidoSoul@gmail.com for the correct mailing address 🙂

Click here to go to the KaleidoSoul Shop main page →