
Another Mystery Card!
Another Mystery Card!

This is a card that I made quite a while ago without knowing who she was. I know you can’t see the face, however I have always just known inside that this is a female!

I worked with this card recently in one of my every-0ther-daily readings and this is what she said to me:

I am the one who gazes into the crystal ball.Ā  i am the one who cups the future in my hands.Ā  i am the one who is guided and watched over by the Light of Spirit.

I am the one who doesn’t need to show my face.Ā 

I am the one who is hidden behind the black cloak of mystery.Ā  I am the one who looks into the future.

My message for you today is this: I see what I see and I knwo what I know.Ā  The mystery of the future is not always mine for the telling.Ā  You are to trust in your own power to create your own future. That is all. That is enough.



My Archetypal Prayer Card


I do have a card in my deck for the part of me who believes in prayer, the part of me who prays.Ā  You can see it here.Ā  That card is more of a Committee card, an inner voice that represents a part of my inner self, my personality.

This card is also about Prayer, but Prayer with a capital P.Ā  I made it intuitively and when I let it speak to me, it was talking about prayer in a very different sense.

I am the one who stands for every prayer every prayed since the beginning of time.Ā  I stand for the power of prayer that is present whenever anyone anywhere lifts their heart or voice to the Divine.

My message for you today is this: at the end of every meditation time, yoga time, or any Quiet Time you create for yourself, add some prayer. Seek inner changes. Pray for yourself as well as for others.

Ask for what you need; it is always given.Ā 

The language that this Neter used when I asked it who it was, referred to something larger than myself, something larger than that one individual part of me who prays.Ā  This sounds more archetypal to me, so I have place it in my Council Suit of my deck.

Do you believe in prayer? Do you have cards in your deck for the part of you who prays AND for the concept of prayer that is applicable through all times and all cultures and all beings?Ā  Why not seek out some images and create them soon.

I Am the One Who Prays

scaskhelpThis is a Committee card from my deck. It represents an inner part of me, the part who prays, and who believes in the power of prayer.

Who are you?

I am the one who spent many hours on my knees in church, praying. I am the one who believes that Someone is listening when I pray. I am the one who feels comfort and deep connection to all living things when I pray. I am the one who believes in the power of gratitude and supplication.Ā  I am the one who prays for others, who prays for myself, who prays for the world.

What do you have to give me?

I give you solace.Ā  I give you sustenance. I give you a channel through which you can connect with the Divine energy that connects everyone and every living thing.

What do you want from me?

I want you to honor me by praying consciously every day. I want you to write your prayers sometimes as that seems to focus you more. I want you to remember that Spirit is always listening. I want you to know that even the smallest thing can be taken to Spirit in prayer.

Is there anything else you want to say to me TODAY?

Yes! I sense your distinct sadness over the death of Robin Williams yesterday. I urge you to close your eyes for a moment and offer your sadness up to Spirit. I suggest that you spend some time today praying for his family and for those who were close to him.Ā  This will soothe your heart and ease your sadness.Ā  You have been thinking that there is nothing you can do, but there IS something you can do.Ā  Use my energy to pray.


Emotional Boundaries

I am the one who creates emotional boundaries.
I am the one who creates emotional boundaries.


I made this card in 2007, intentionally, to remind myself to create boundaries around myself emotionally.Ā  It took me a while to find just the right images though!

Who are you?

I am the one who can by happy and content and shining even though others around me are sad and miserable.Ā  I am the one who knows that I am separate from those around me.

I am the one who is in touch with the pulse of my own inner life, of my soul, at all times.Ā  I am the one who cares about the misery and sadness of others around me but who knows I don’t have to wear/breathe in/inhale/BECOME their misery and sadness in order to love them.


What do you have to give me?

I give you emotional boundaries… the knowing of where others end and you begin.Ā  I give you permissoin to feel JOY and to SHINE in spite of the unhappiness of others around you.


What do you want from me?

I want you to know that there is a difference between THEM and YOU.Ā  That you do not have to absorb the pain of others because you are separate from them.Ā  I want you to shine your inner light and to smile/laugh/let yourself FEEL GOOD even when there is sadness and drama around you.



I am the one who is powerful.
I am the one who is powerful.


I made this card YEARS ago and at the time it was speaking to me about power- good power, centered and balanced strength and power.

As the years have gone by, however, another meaning has come forth from this card.Ā  And believe it or not, I didn’t actually notice the larger hand in the background which is holding up the earth.

This Neter showed up today for me in my Every-Other-Daily-Reading and this is what it said to me:

I am the one who is powerful.Ā  I am the one who gets my strength and power from a place of balance and centeredness.

I am the one who can carry ANYthing because there is a Power greater than me doing the actual carrying.

What I have to say to you today is this- What are you struggling to carry right now? Name it.

Can you be still for a moment and see that Another Hand is already carrying it for you?

Ah!Ā  I love it when my cards ask ME questions in return!