This is a card that I made quite a while ago without knowing who she was. I know you can’t see the face, however I have always just known inside that this is a female!
I worked with this card recently in one of my every-0ther-daily readings and this is what she said to me:
I am the one who gazes into the crystal ball.Ā i am the one who cups the future in my hands.Ā i am the one who is guided and watched over by the Light of Spirit.
I am the one who doesn’t need to show my face.Ā
I am the one who is hidden behind the black cloak of mystery.Ā I am the one who looks into the future.
My message for you today is this: I see what I see and I knwo what I know.Ā The mystery of the future is not always mine for the telling.Ā You are to trust in your own power to create your own future. That is all. That is enough.