I made this card early this spring… it’s only two images but I find it very powerful and directly related to the other card in this post (see below).Ā I’ve been doing, for the past 6 months or so, some powerful work around some “emotional trash” from my childhood.Ā I’m using The Solution Method (also known as Emotional Brain Training) for the basis of this work and have been making WAY so much progress.Ā The method is gentle but real and authentic and for me, very powerful.
Anyway, about these cards.Ā I haven’t done any formal interpretations yet, but this one seems to be saying to me:
I am the one who has thrown open the doors and is looking into my past.Ā I am the one who is cleaning out the antique drawers and shelves of misinterpreted reactions and undefined dreams. I am the one who is slowly deciphering the hieroglyphics of my childhood.
I don’t know if I will keep both of these cards in my Deck for all eternity, but I couldn’t resist making them. The second one below flowed together as easily as the first, even though it has more images. You can click on either one and see more details:

I made this one (to the right) just a few weeks ago and again, I was drawn to the ancient hieroglyphics.Ā I’d had the little girl image in my collection of images for SO LONG…. and now she has finally settled into her place here, on this card. So this one seems to be saying similar things as the first one:
I am the one who is finally shining the light on the ancient hieroglyphics of my childhood.Ā I am the one who is trying to make sense of what I was told back then.Ā I am the one who is looking back at my past.Ā I am the one who is doing the work now.Ā I am the one who is bulldozing through the layers and acres of trash that has accumulated in my body and soul since I was a little girl.Ā I am the one who holds my own ancient wisdom in my hands.

I made this one in the same card making session as the second card here.Ā It seemed to be a continuation of the theme of what I’ve been “deciphering” about my childhood.Ā It seemed to me to be a follow-up card to those other two.Ā At first it bothered me that the child seems more male than female to me, but I felt like I HAD to use it, so use it I did!
I have not worked with this card yet, until right this minute… so here I go, stream of consciousness writing:
I am the one who is surrounded by blessing hands. I am the one who is tired and dirty and skeptical of these hands.Ā I am the one who is held within a web of hands which are blessing me.Ā I am the one who isn’t sure I deserve all this blessing. I am the one who is sad.Ā I am the one who doesn’t want to be hurt again.Ā I am the one who knows there is another way of love than the way I used to know, but I am the one who isn’t sure how to access it.Ā I am the one who sees the child with the Mother and Crone under the feminine protectiveness of the full moon.Ā I am the one who wants that for myself.Ā I am the one who came from that deep love and attention and protectiveness. I am the one who wants to go back there.Ā I am the one who is trying to accept the blessings.
Well, that was quite powerful for me!Ā I feel like there is more work to be done with this tender, sad, skeptical, part of me.Ā But for now, it feels quite powerful to tap into her voice and to allow her some space to have her feelings.