I’ve had this card in my deck since 2005 and when I first put these images together, these two were talking to me about being Queen of my Own Authentic Self.Ā There was much in their mother-daughter story about caring for my inner princess as much as my inner queen, about ruling with authority and kindness and nurturing.
However, the last time I drew it in a reading, they said something else and something totally surprising!
We are the ones who rule your inner world.Ā We are a mother-daughter team and we rule with joy and compassion and deep intention, thoughtfulness.Ā We are the ones who live in the Castle of Contentment.Ā That is our home and we rule your inner world with peace and radical acceptance.
There is a king as well but he has not made himself known yet. Now he is in the realm of your thoughts.Ā He will make himself known to you soon.
Together we (king and queen) parent the princess, and offer love to one another so that your inner world will be stable and complete.Ā
Our message for you today is this: we do not rule with laws and punishment.Ā We rule with gentle acceptance, forgiveness and love. This is our message. No further explanations necessary. Hear us. Listen. Know.
I do so love that my cards are continually surprising me!
Because of this latest info, I’ve decided to name this card Inner Royalty instead of Queen of My Authentic Self.Ā And I’m now on the lookout for an image of a kindly king who will fit on the right side of the card.
Stay open to new messages from your cards and you’ll be pleasantly surprised too!