Mommy & Me

October 20, 2014

Mommy & Me

I am the one who knows how to mother myself.
I am the one who knows how to mother myself.

I grew up with a mother who was always there for me, but  because of her own lack of a nurturing mother growing up, she wasn’t one who nurtured me with unconditional love and kindness.  I missed out on having a real “Mommy.”

After practicing SoulCollage® for a few years, I realized that I could “mommy” myself and so I made several cards to depict this Mommy and Me relationship that I had missed out on as a child.  This is the one card of all my “Mommy and Me” cards that remains in my deck, as a vivid reminder that I can be nurturing and loving and unconditionally accepting towards myself.

Most of the time when I read from this card, it is the Mommy inside of me talking, but recently I drew it in a short reading and I noticed that the little girl was speaking this time:

I am the one who loves being held and cherished by Mommy.  I am the one who can completely relax when Mommy is holding me.  I am the one who feels safe in her arms.

My message for you today is this- even though you had an earth-mother who couldn’t and didn’t give you this, you have an inner mother just waiting for you to open your arms to her. Open up on the inside.  Let Mommy hold you when you need to be held.

If you have a card with two distinct Neters (energies) on it, like this one, try doing the I Am the One Who… exercise with EACH of the voices and see what you discover.

2 thoughts on “Mommy & Me”

  1. The first SoulCollage I ever made was 2 pictures on the card. One with a mother reading to 2 children seated on either side of her.The bottom picture was a mother hugging her daughter. This card triggered the question in my mind: Was this the wish of my biological mother{ whom I never knew}? or was it my adoptive mother ? A wish by one but a reality by another. As I look at this card today I am saddened to think my biological mother never knew me . Sometimes my adoptive mother had trouble showing love. I have 4 other cards with a mother and daughter showing closeness and love. This card stirs up a lot of emotions for me on this cold and rainy day. I have to be nurturing to myself as a way to deal with my adoption that was only revealed in the year 2000. Sometimes I go places where my adoptive mother would take me and that is how I treat my “inner child” . Thank you for sharing Mommy and Me.

  2. Thanks for posting this, Anne Marie. I also had a mother who was physically present, but because of her own upbringing (by a cruel and domineering mother) and dealing with seven children of her own, lost her tentative sense of self and became overwhelmed, exhausted, and emotionally distant. I would love to make some “mommy and me” cards to take care of my vulnerable little girl when she shows up. I have an adopted daughter of my own, who because of attachment issues found it difficult to accept my love. We are working on healing our relationship and I am hoping to introduce SoulCollage to her when she comes home soon for a visit!


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