When I first made this SoulCollageĀ® card, it was just the image of the woman looking out to sea. I just loved how she was sitting there. After I did the initial interpretation of the card (see below), I realized that she represented a part of me that is patient and calm while waiting, so I added the nautilus shell and blue spiral symbol in the bottom right corner to give it an added feeling of patience, calm, and grace.
Who are you? I am the one with nowhere to go and nothing to do. I am full of patience and abiding grace. I like to sit in silence and peace and let the world go on around me. I am not in a hurry. The world goes on and time goes on, and I am content to let it be. There is a stillness inside of me which passes all understanding, and when I access that, all else becomes unimportant. I am waiting, waiting, and wanting for something to come to me over the horizon and into my view. I am waiting, but with poise and calm and grace, and an inner knowing that it will come to me in its own time and way. I wait for it without agitation.
What do you have to give me? I give you patience- calm, abiding patience… waiting that is without frustration or agitation or anxiety. What do you want from me? I want you to follow my example. Ask for this gift of patience, for it is truly a gift. Notice the presence of patience and impatience in your life… ask for patience whenever impatience has too strong of a voice. Additional bits of wisdom offered by this card when it has showed up in daily readings: 2/13/06- What I say to you today is this: make a card to honor your Impatient Voice, for that is a voice which is controlling you lately. Listen carefully to what IT is telling you. Impatience is getting in the way of getting your body back to its natural weight. I, Patience, can help you, once you remove Impatience from his throne of power in your daily life. 3/21/06- I am the one who sits by the salt water, absorbing its healing essence with my stillness and an open body. I am the one who is healed by the water. I am the one who allows myself to be healed, who wants to be healed, who is eager to be healed by the water.
4/12/06- I am the one who cherishes the waiting, who knows that this is the journey as well. You can learn so much in the times of patient waiting. You are doing the work… now be still once the work is done… be still and allow the good things to come to you.