Powerful- Committee Suit

July 21, 2008

Powerful- Committee Suit

I made this card spontaneously (intuitively) at the first SoulCollage® Retreat I ever led in 2006.  It seemed to come together quite naturally and easily.  It’s really just a couple of images, and I loved how I felt when I looked at it or held it in my hands.

Up until the time I made this card, I had not even remotely thought of myself as powerful.  This card certainly had something to say about that!

Who are you? I am the one who is powerful and strong.  I am the one who holds the world in the palm of my hand.  I am the one with power in my body and mind, who can balance the weight of the world on my shoulders and know that it won’t destroy me.  I am the one who is powerful enough that time doesn’t overwhelm me.  I am the one who is being given all the time in the world as a gift and who balances that gift with the powerful stance of my body, mind and spirit.

What do you have to give me? I give you strength and power to balance this new world you’ve been given.  I give you a posture which contains the power to receive and to balance.

What do you want from me? I want you to know that you are inherently powerful and strong.  I want you to stand tall and strong and gorgeously balanced.  I want you to receive this gift of all the time in the world—- with joy and unabashed strength!

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