Free SoulCollage® Newsletter

Read a recent issue here.

Sign up below for your FREE subscription to Soul Songs,
the monthly KaleidoSoul Newsletter,
bursting with information on SoulCollage®, and soul-stirring art.

What is Soul Songs?

  • a free monthly SoulCollage® newsletter
  • a delightful smorgasbord of SoulCollage® art, words, and things of the spirit.
  • our monthly gift to you for stopping by

What’s in each issue of Soul Songs?

  • a theme related to SoulCollage®
  • inspiring essays by Facilitators/Trainers Anne Marie Bennett AND: Cat Caracelo
    OR Linda Woolfson OR Michele Manos OR Marti Beddoe
  • several readers’ SoulCollage® cards (with journaling) that reflect the theme of the month
  • information on upcoming SoulCollage® tele-classes and online classes
  • resources and links for inspiration and SoulCollage® joy

Who subscribes to Soul Songs?

Thousands of men and women from all over the world. These include people who are brand new to SoulCollage®, people who’ve been practicing for years, and everyone in between.
The common denominator is curiosity about and passion for SoulCollage®.

I just finished reading your 100th issue of Soul Songs and it is indeed wonderful. Your column and Catherine’s are special and I loved seeing all the cards with words that people have sent in. You surely have created and continue to create a fresh and informative and creative newsletter! — Seena Frost, author of SoulCollage® Evolving

Bonus Gift for You!

Soul Songs is delivered to your email inbox on the first Thursday of every month. In the meantime, we will be gifting you with a beautiful 10-day email course, Wisdom for Your Journey. You’ll see a different SoulCollage® card each day with a specially chosen quotation and short essay about each one. Thought-provoking and inspiring!

So…do you want to see and create collaged cards that speak to and from your soul?

Then sign up for your very own free subscription to Soul Songs.
It will be your companion on this amazing journey which is SoulCollage®.


Back Issues

Click here to read all back issues of this colorful, creative, unique newsletter.
