I did this free-flow reading as a way to ease into the New Year, but you can use it any time to bring clarity and focus to your life.
I drew 11 cards randomly from my deck (without peeking!) and placed them, face down, in a stack on my desk.
Then I turned over each card, one at a time,
and asked it “What do I need more of?” and “What do I need less of?”
NOTE: When the reading is complete, it is very important to read over all of the wisdom and see if you notice any patterns,
then choose ONE “more” and ONE “less” to take action on right now, today, this week, this month.
Here are the cards that showed up for me and the wisdom they gave me:
4th Chakra- Cat:
You need more of a soft heart. You need less thoughts in your head.Lonely (Committee Suit): You need more connections with others. You need less buying into old stories about loneliness.Crown Chakra Sister (Companions Suit): You need more connection with Spirit. You need less thoughts in your head.Brigid (Council Suit): You need more faith that Spring will come again. You need less focus on the coldness of Winter.Fearless (Committee Suit): You need more confidence. You need less worry and fear.Success After Failure (Commitee Suit): You need more confidence in yourself. You need less self-discouragement.Lightbearer Archetype: You need more light. You need less worry about the people who are in your Light.Jeff (Community Suit): You need more connection with your husband. You need less thinking about the past.
I am the one who is your husband, who loves you unconditionally.Councili Suit Surprise: You need more joy and delight. You need less frowning and worry.Doug (Community Suit): You need more hugs and connection with Spirit. You need less false stories about yourself.
I am the one who taught you lessons about love and vulnerability.Companions Suit Wolf: You need more solid, earth-centered grounding in your body. You need less thoughts in your head.