Mindfulness- Committee Suit

July 29, 2008

Mindfulness- Committee Suit

Who are you? I am the one who is walking the labyrinth, oblivious to the harried rush of Time around me.  I am the one who moves slowly and calmly through this labyrinth, and through my own life’s path. I am the one who exists only in this moment, right now.

What do you have to give me? I give you a centering peace. I give you awareness of the central moment only. I give you disregard for time, for the past, for the future. I give you the blessing and grace that is yours in the moment alone.  I give you a centered steady pace through your life.

What do you want from me? I want you to walk slowly, mindfully.  I want you to claim this moment in time only.  Past and future exist, but not in this moment, which is all that you are given.  Allow the past and the future to become a gentle blur.  The reality is right here, right now.  Time is irrelevant.  What matters only is what is happening right here, right now, inside of you.

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