Death- SoulCollageĀ® Cards

Suit: Council
Artist: Shiloh
Location: Idaho

I am Death. I am Transformation. I am both the End and the Beginning. In some ways I am a rebirth. I am a journey from one phase into the next. I remind you how fragile your mortality really is. I am inevitable. I am Unknown to you.I give you sorrow that you might know joy. I will give you new experiences, a new perspective and new knowledge… I will reunite you with old friends and family members who’ve gone before you. I will free you from your disability and seizures. No more pain, no more medication, no more bad eye sight or speech impediment. No more scoliosis. I will give you freedom. I will give you a better idea of Eternity. I give you strength.

Spider Woman
Suit: Council
Artist: Kat
Location: Michigan

I am the one who came for you while you peacefully slept

I am the one with the power to compromise and crash your entire immune system

I am the one who took a little bite and turned your life as you knew it upside down

I am the one who caused grave harm and at the same time redirected your life path.

Artist: Cat
Location: California

I am the one who gives life and takes it away. I am the energy of all and the pulse of one. I am the one who comes in my good time to allow what has been to become something else. I am the gift giver, the one who anoints the body releasing the spark of spirit. I am the one who carries my old life onto a new path, the one who trusts the fates to find me again…I am the spirit that walks away from the bones and enters the light. I am the one who loves life and trusts death.

Artist: Christiana
Location: Georgia

I Am the One Who reveals the truth of beginnings and endings. Though I may cause you grief, I inspire transformation and growth. I Am the One Who is a catalyst to renewal and rebirth.

Artist: Wendy
Location: Pennsylvania

I Am the One Who celebrates broken things.- I Am the One Who focuses on time in a dark sky.- I Am the One Who forces a tight smile.- I Am the One Who looks without seeing.- I Am the One Who is a tail fin.- I Am the One Who is the “fin” (“end”)!

Artist: Jenny
Location: Australia

Artist: Laren
Location: Maryland

I am the One that reflects the perceptions of death. My diamonded head reminds you of the precious cost of death. Eventually, one must let go of everything. I show you the masks of this earth walk. When you leave your body there is no gender you are spirit, un-embodied. I am the One who will lead you through the surface of the shift-shaping mirrors. You will feel the Mystery of the Sun-Fire Mandela that cannot be destroyed – only transformed. I am the One who allows you to connect with the presence of those who have come before you. I know that you believe in this as you have no concern about conversations through the veil. I am the One with you now in your grief. I ask you to remember the Life-Death-Life cycle of the seasons on earth. Faithfully, this cycle returns for you to re-member yourself through the natural order of all things. Celebrate the best while you are here and let go of the rest.