SoulCollage Inspiration

By Anne Marie Bennett

Dolphin- Companion Animals Suit

Scdolphin From a very young age I have been drawn to dolphins.  The week before my mother died a few years ago, I read Madeleine L’Engle’s A Ring of Endless Light, and was totally captured by the intuitive nature of the dolphin.  Also, there were many messages for me in that book about communicating with other beings in ways beyond words.  This is how I came to choose Dolphin for my 6th Chakra, the intuitive third eye, located at the center of the forehead.

Who are you? I am the one who is the prince (and princess!) of the seas.  I am the one who smiles, who laughs, who knows.  I am the one who rides the waves in pleasure and delight.  I am the one who loves to play, who can “talk” to humans, who knows what others are feeling just by listening to their thoughts.  I am the one who knows that communication exists on many, many levels.

What do you have to give me? I give you freedom from time constraints, freedom from past and future, freedom to remember this present moment.

What do you want from me? I want you to slow down, to take the time to play a little each day, to remember your outer “tribe” of playmates and to let go of all inner and outer judgements and to give yourself permission to play often.

The Angry One- Committee

Scangryone_3 Sometimes I visualize all of my “inner voices” as residing in a big castle. Each one has its own room and sometimes I visualize (in meditation or in writing) myself there, exploring the rooms and the part of me that inhabits each one. 

One day a few weeks ago while “exploring” my inner castle, I found myself in the dungeon, so to speak, and guess what?  There are some parts of me that I’ve locked up down there because other parts have been stronger, or because I just haven’t known how to interact with them.

This Angry One is one of those parts. I don’t have a name for her yet (except Angry One) , but I am getting to know her a little bit better day by day. 

One day last week I imagined myself taking her hand in the dungeon and inviting her to go with me “upstairs” into my world and into my life.  “Just for the day,” I promised her.  I can’t even begin to tell you what a difference it made! And it just so happened that that very same day, my husband did something that REALLY pissed me off on a very deep level (not just surface stuff being activated, but many years of stepfamily issues rising to the surface).  And as I was feeling my blood boil, I remembered The Angry One and that she was with/beside me for the day….. It was as if I’d really been set free.  I was able to speak my anger to my husband without being consumed by it, and believe me…. this was a brand new experience for me!

I haven’t done a formal interpretation of this card yet (asking the questions and letting her answer). For now it is just enough that I have invited her out of the dungeon and into my everyday world. For now it is enough that I am becoming aware of the times when I’m angry, and offering compassion and curiosity to this part of me instead of shutting her away in the dungeon of my inner castle.

I think a lot of it has to do with social conditioning around the subject of anger. It’s not “nice” to be angry is a message that seems to be prevalent.  Growing up, I saw my mother lash out with her anger…. and I saw my father repress his completely.  I chose his way because her way was hurtful.  But now I am seeing that there is a different way. 

At first I was actually afraid of The Angry One, but now I see that she isn’t here to hurt me or anyone else in my life. She is here to shine light on injustice and to help me forge the way to my own best self.

Little Brown Bird- Companion Animals Suit

Scbird This is the very first Animal Totem card that I made for my SoulCollage® deck.  It goes with my heart chakra energy. And this is the interpretation I did at that time:

Who are you? I am just a simple ordinary bird sitting on my nest of eggs.  I am the one who nurtures and gives birth.  I am the one who creates new life.  I am the one who sets that life free.  I am the one who shelters the young, who teaches them how to fly. I am the one who flies. What do you want from me? I need to spend more time flying and less time here on the nest. Where to you want to fly to? Nowhere in particular.  Just flying. Flying is the whole point. Since creating this card, it has shown up several times in my daily SoulCollage® readings.  Here is some more wisdom gleaned from this card as the months have gone by:

January 2006– What I’m saying to you today is this: there is much inside you waiting to be born, and there is much inside you that is waiting to fly and soar and be free.  Let the lesson now be discerning when to sit on the eggs and when to fly free. There is tension in this, but when there is balance, there is much joy. March 2006– I am the one whose eggs are ready to hatch.  I am the one who is birthing new ideas and projects and books. I am the one who is choosing now to sit on the nest while these ideas and projects and books incubate and ready themselves to hatch.

Leopard- Companion Animals Suit

Scleopard_2  This is the animal guide I envisioned when meditating on my 2nd chakra.  I found these images not too long after.  I love that there is both a baby and adult leopard on this card.

Who are you? I am the one who is the leopard, the baby leopard and the grownup leopard.  I am the one who is curious and playful.  I am the one who is strong and fearless and also taken care of.  I am the one who has spots and who wanders through the forest.  I am the one who is protected and nurtured and cared for.  I am the one who is wild and who seeks wild things.  I am the one who climbs trees and makes things happen.  I am the one who watches carefully for both happy surprises and predators. What do you have to give me? I give you wild fun and playful energy. I give you sleek feline grace.  I give you the power to know yourself.  I give you green wonder and eyes that see everything. What do you want from me? I want you to be more playful in your sexual expression.  I want you to explore your wild side.  I want you to MOVE your body! You move more gracefully than you think.

Elaine- Community Suit

Scelaine This is my dear friend Elaine, who I met when trying to put together a Joy Group (via Suzanne Falter-Barns). The Joy Group fizzled, but our friendship did not!  If you’re going to the KaleidoSoul SoulCollage® Summer Retreat in August, you will meet her there! Who are you? I am the one who loves nature.  I am the one who needs to be outside in nature or a part of my soul is missing.  I am the one who has a big wide heart, who knows how to love, who loves with passion and awareness.  I am the one who loves to have fun, to play, to take risks.  I am the one who is striving for balance, who is ready to spread my wings and soar.  I am the one with the passion of fire, and the soothing healing qualities of water.  I am the one who is blossoming and soaring on my new inner and outer journeys.  I am the one with big, beautiful dreams.

What do you have to give me? I give you a boundless, loving friendship, as wide as my smile.  I give you a hand to hold and a companion for your own journey.  I give you guidance and light and a reflection back to you of your own beautiful self.

What do you want from me? I want you to be my friend, to walk beside me on the journey, to help me up when I fall.  And I will do the same for you.