Big Transition Reading

May 14, 2010

Big Transition Reading

Yesterday, after the new KaleidoSoul site was finally up and really running… I breathed a huge sigh of relief and release.Ā  I felt the power of this huge transition in my life and in the life of this website which has been such a big part of my life for the last 5 years.Ā  FIVE YEARS!

I sat and thought about that for a moment.

And then I just felt the inner urge to do a reading with my Deck, so I separated my cards into the four suits, and I asked this question:

Who has something to say about this momentous occasion of leaving SBI (the old web platform) behind and celebrating the new KaleidoSoul?

I drew one card from each suit and here is what each one said to me:

Maggie, Sad Woman (Committee Suit)

Woman: I am the one who is sad. I am the one who is taking time to say goodbye to the old KaleidoSoul and the old way of doing things. I am the one who is looking back, behind, to the way it was.

Boy: I am the one who is facing the rising sun, forward, ahead. I am the one who is ready to surprise you with great love.

Butterfly: I am the one who has come out of the cocoon into full-blown beauty. I am the one who balances and swings between the past and the future.Ā  I am the one who stays in the present.

Our message for you on this special day is this: It is perfectly ok to feel sad while saying good-bye.Ā  This is the end of an era for you. It is also ok to feel happy and loving and excited about the future at the same time.Ā  Just remember to balance yourself in the present moment and all will be well.Ā  It is the end of an era and the beginning of a new era and you can balance all that that entails by staying present to what IS.

Fran, my former therapist

I am the one who encouraged you through the creation of the first KaleidoSoul! I am the one who taught you about feeling your feelings, about flying, about transformation, about going within, about self-acceptance.

My message for you on this special day is this: Congratulations and blessings. Take some time today to absorb what you have done, created, given to the world. Stand still, pause and bask in the glow of Spirit.Ā  Know that all is well.

Little Brown Bird, Heart Chakra (Companions Suit)

I am the one who is building a nest in your heart. I am the one whom you tamed so I sit on your hand and sing to you. I am the one who brings you such inner peace and sweet joy.

My message for your on this day of celebration is this: Keep your heart open and expansive.Ā  Practice your yoga breathing.Ā  Watch me as I build this nest of self-acceptance and trust in your heart. And know that you are building a nest for others of rest and safety … that is what KaleidoSoul is to the world, you know1

Crone (Council Suit)

I am the one who is old and wise, who has created wrinkles on my face from laughter and joy. I am the one who is happy and content with myself.Ā  I am the one who is still creating colorful things even though I am old. I am the one who doesn’t care if birds perch on my head.

My message for your today is this- Your website is a testimony to authenticity and inner wisdom, and that tickles me to pieces!Ā  My crone energy is guiding you forward…you continually are becoming… you are moving through your years with color and grace and authenticity. I bless your work!


What I noticed about the cards I drew as I laid them out side by side and looked at them as a group:

1. Two birds and two butterflies and two hearts (not a coincidence, I think!)

2. For me, the birds are symbols of nesting, hatching, and flight.

3. For me, the butterflies are symbols of transformation, metamorphosis, new beginnings.

4. Also, butterfly is my 3rd chakra animal companion, and bird is my 4th chakra animal companion, which brings into my mind the Solar and Heart Chakras which speak to me about authenticity, radiance, unconditional self love and radical acceptance.

I feel very affirmed and blessed after doing this reading!

Another beautiful reminder that I always get exactly what I need when we ask my Deck a question and wait for the response!

5 thoughts on “Big Transition Reading”

  1. WOW! Anne Marie! I’m crying. That was so powerful. It’s as if the universe is speaking directly to you, urging you to keep going. To follow your chosen path. You’re doing such a wonderful thing for, not only yourself but, also for all of us. Thanks for being such a bright beacon. You really do add to my life.


  2. Good for you Anne Marie! What a Perfect reading for a perfect ocassion…a great milestone in your life, and the life of all of us who love you – and the SoulCollage journey. The new website is refreshing and fabulous…and a luninous new beginning into this next chapter of KaleidoSoul’s lie. It’s hard to believe it’s only been 5 years! Seems like the website has always been here. I am overflowing with gratitude that KaleidoSoul brought us together :). Blessings to you on this new chapter of SoulCollage.

    rich blessings and much gratitude to you… Love, Cheryl

  3. Ah, Anne Marie! I’m cheering and clapping for that reading. So apt, and so affirming of your transition into this new place. I love that logo (and notice the wonderful rainbow colours of the quilt in your crone card too). Birds, butterflies… it’s all the one and the many at work here. Thanks for sharing it, and the best of best wishes to you and Kaleidosoul for the next 5(+) years!

  4. Loving this post, and what a great way to end the series. I like esielpacly what you say about connecting with the mother, even if you don’t have children. I’m happily child-free and it took me a long time to realise that I’m mothering every time I produce a piece of art or a workshop or some writing. Thank goodness there are no physical effects, the stretch-marks would be humongous!!


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